Tuesday 26 March 2013

Subtraction Word Problems

Class Four investigated subtraction word problems today. We took a very simple subtraction problem, 4-1=3 and transformed it into a mathematics story. We then used Padlet to create a wall of words that would give clues to suggest that the story would require a subtraction sum if you were going to turn it into a mathematical problem. Why don't you show your parents this on Padlet. Can you remember any words? Can you use these words to create a subtraction word problem?

Saturday 23 March 2013

Dinosaur Encyclopedia

Class Four have been writing some phenomenal information texts about a dinosaur that they chose. We are going to publish them using Book Creator on the iPads.
The children have done a great job in including as many text type features in their texts as possible. I wonder if any members can remember them and add a comment below?
To warm us up, inspire and generate ideas for their own writing we have used Google Docs to do some collaborative, shared writing about an Allosaurus. This one document was produced by all 30 of our class-members with everybody chipping in to create a fantastic text. Parents, please check it out in your child's Google Drive.

Food Chains

In Thursday's Science lesson we looked at Food chains. A food chain starts with the producer, a living object that produces the energy for the food chain to get started. There is then the prey, an animal that is eaten by a carnivore or omnivore to get its energy. Finally there will be the predator, the animal that gets or hunts for its prey to obtain energy, live and survive.

If you look through our, the humans' food chain, I can say that all humans are grass eaters. What do you think I mean?

Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Passive Voice

We are coming to the end of our Information Text Unit for Literacy. We are researching information regarding our chosen dinosaur to create our class encyclopaedia all about dinosaurs. A key feature of Information Texts is that it is written in the passive voice. That is when the subject of the sentence is at the end. Can you take the sentences created from sentence builder and put it in the passive voice on the blog? Can you write a comment about today in the passive voice for the blog? Have a go and we can reply to peer assess if somebody has made a little mistake.

Thursday 7 March 2013

What would you say to your Rugby Schoolmates?

On Thursday 7th March 2013, Highover's Tag Rugby Team finished Runners Up in the North Herts Saracens Tag Rugby Festival. That means that they qualify for the County Finals for the 5th year in a row! What would you say to your schoolmates to big them up? What would you want your schoolmates to say to you if (no, when!) you guys reach this milestone in two years time...if not sooner"