Monday 28 January 2013

Reach for the Moon!

In PSHCE with Mrs. Brooks, you have all designed rockets with your personal target that you have set yourself. If you could set a target for anybody in the world, what target would you set them to aim for? What goal would you want for them to achieve and why?


  1. I would like my brother Joe to train hard at sprinting so he could race against Usain Bolt and win.

  2. I would like to train hard to beet Sam's brother Joe and be in the Olympics.

    1. Yeah, well I used to be in the Italian 100m team! M for meatballs not metres though! Sure I've eaten a 100 of those in my lifetime! To change subject slightly, XA might have misused a digraph in one of his words. Can anyone spot it?

  3. I would like to help my mum more often because I don't help her that much.

  4. I would like to be the worlds greatest footballer like Lionel Andr'es Messi.
